Tek Raptor Taming. Raptor Kibble (MOBILE) Crafted in Cooking Pot Raptor Egg Longrass Cooked Meat Jerky ×2 Mejoberry ×3 Fiber Waterskin View Tips Cook Time 30s Spoils In 3d Quantity1 + Preferred By Mammoth SADDLES Mammoth Saddle Lvl 31 ×260 Hide ×140 Fiber ×10 Metal Ingot View Tips Engram Points 18 Crafted In Smithy Quantity1 + Mammoth Side Saddle (ARK Mobile).

Tek Creatures are a variant of normal Creatures that were added permanently as part of the Extinction Chronicles event (exceptions being the Tek Triceratops which was released as part of Genesis the Voidwyrm which was released as part of Genesis Part 2 and the Tek Giganotosaurus which is unobtainable unless using Console commands) Tek Creatures.
Tek Creatures Official ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
The Megalodon Tek Saddle is used to ride a Megalodon after you have tamed it It is an upgraded version of the Megalodon Saddle See more information on saddles at the Saddles page In addition to providing more armor than the regular saddle pressing the melee key (default Ctrl) while riding a Megalodon with the Tek Saddle will activate a laser helmet However such.
Raptor Dododex Ark Survival Evolved
Troodon Dododex ARK: Survival Evolved
Megalodon Tek Saddle Official ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
Evolved ARK: Survival Mammoth Dododex
Taming Notes There is a “Feeding Interval” of sorts wherein no Taming Affinity will be gained for subsequent kills It is not yet known how this is calculated but 90 seconds was sufficient for a level 1 Troodon Taming Affinity will not reset nor is Taming Effectiveness reduced when a wild Troodon takes damage.