Pantone 805 C. Pantone / PMS 805 C / #ff7276 Hex Color Code The hexadecimal color code #ff7276 is a medium light shade of pinkred In the RGB color model #ff7276 is comprised of 100% red 4471% green and 4627% blue In the HSL color space #ff7276 has a hue of 358° (degrees) 100% saturation and 72% lightness This color has an approximate wavelength of 61445 nm Buy.

The following list contains the conversion results of color Pantone 805 U to RGB hexadecimal HSL HSV Lab and XYZ colorspaces each format represents the same color rgb(255 116 119) #ff7477 hsl(3587 100% 727%) hsv(3587 545% 100%) lab(658 532 245) xyz(508 351 215) The hexadecimal RGB and HSL values can be used in CSS files to define colors of.
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Pantone / PMS 805 2X / #f93a2b Hex Color Code The hexadecimal color code #f93a2b is a shade of red In the RGB color model #f93a2b is comprised of 9765% red 2275% green and 1686% blue In the HSL color space #f93a2b has a hue of 4° (degrees) 94% saturation and 57% lightness This color has an approximate wavelength of 60813 nm.
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Process Blue C / Pantone 805 C 2X Fluorescent (need white base to pop) Formula 177 Process Blue C / Orange 804 C Formula One White / Blue 801 C / Orange 804 C Rio White Start White 2019 Board Model Pantone Color AtomIQ Duo white CarveIQ Flax Balsa Pantone 801 C Fluorescent nose and tail/ Pantone 294 C CarveIQ Starlite White/ Pantone 032 C/ Futura.
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jdbrew 6y Bingo 2 level 1 hvyboots 6y Essentially you can specify Pantone 805 as a separate color from the rest of the colors (these are called spot colors as /u/MrCorwyn notes) and print that on a 5th plate separate from the CMYK This is something you’ll have arranged with whoever is printing the actual book beforehand.
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The Pantone PMS 805 C color may vary from the PANTONE Color Standards based on lighting conditions angle of view and/or due to differences in pigments manufacturing process substrate and/or limitations in the color capability of the paint Refer to current PANTONE Publications to obtain accurate color.