Ni Hao Mandarin. Designed by Ni Hao Ma to allow the student to follow the lessons and the exercises at school and at home Cultural Activities By mixing academics and activities the learners will expand their knowledge of the Mandarin language through cooking music sciences etc.

Greetings In Chinese Ni Hao Hello Saying Hello ni hao mandarin
Greetings In Chinese Ni Hao Hello Saying Hello from

你好 ( ni hao / nĭ hăo ) (English translation “hello”) as Chinese character including stroke order Pinyin phonetic script pronunciation in Mandarin example sentence and English meaning.


As well as providing qualityassured classroom teaching Nihao Mandarin Language School reduces the burden on students and parents as much as possible especially for families unable to provide help with the language The school provides afterschool homework tutoring classes to ensure that students consolidate what they have learned For students with a mother tongue advantage the school.

Homepage Nihaoma

From TV news presenter to the Head Teacher of Nihao Mandarin School in London Click to watch the video On 15th January 2018 the story of Nihao Chinese School&#39s headteacher Xiuli Fu was published in the Weibo of the World View StudioThe title of the article is &#39From TV news presenter to headteacher of Nihao Mandarin School in London&#39.

Greetings In Chinese Ni Hao Hello Saying Hello

Community ActivityNihao

English translation of 你好 ( ni hao / nĭ hăo ) hello in

Special eventsNihao

Nihao Mandarin Language School occasionally organizes teachers parents and senior students to participate in charity activities Rather than saying “Nihao” is a Mandarin Language School it is better to say that it is a home for Chinese culture in the area around Sutton “Nihao” a place with the hearty warmth!.